Attorney at law Thomas Moritz

Born 1985 in Erfurt

Studies at Jena
Intern at the regional court in Erfurt
2013 Admission to practice law
2013 Practice at Spilker & Collegen, Erfurt
BERGERHOFF Rechtsanwälte since 2014

Foreign language: English




Thomas Moritz, Attorney-at-Law, predominantly works in private construction and architectural law. He consults and represents principals and contractors on the design of building contacts along with the construction phase, during the execution of building measures and on the enforcement and defense of claims regarding wages and warranties. Here particular attention is paid to the best possible economic solution for the client in case of litigations if they are inevitable, but also to legal prosecution.

In addition to that, Thomas Moritz is active as a lecturer on travel law at the Internationale Berufsakademie [International University of Co-operative Education] of Erfurt teaching legislation on package and individual tourism.

The 1st Erfurt Badminton Club provides Thomas Moritz with his physical compensation, he is also a member of the board. Furthermore Thomas Moritz is a member of the registered association of the friends of the zoo of Erfurt.

Office Erfurt

Alfred-Hess-Straße 22A
99094 Erfurt

Secretary’s Office

Mr. Christopher Kuhlee

Tel.: 0361 229415 0
Tel.: 0361 229415 18 (direct)
Fax: 0361 229415 15



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